Tolerances for rod ends

Column:Rod ends Time:2019-10-11
AAA>  Inner ring   

1>  The tolerance of △dmp and △Bs of  GIR…DO,GAR..DO,GIR…UK, GAR…UK, GIR..UK-2RS,GAR…UK-2RS and GIHR…DO,GIHR-K…DO, GIHO-K…DO, GK…DO, GF…DO, GIR..UK-2RS,GAR…UK-2RS  are the same as  radial spherical plain bearings GE...E,GE...ES,GE…UK,GE…UK-2RS。

2>  The △dmp and △Bs of GIHN-K…LO, GF…LO  are the same as radial spherical plain bearings GE…LO.
3>  The △dmp and △Bs of SIBP...S,SABP...S,SIZP...S,SAZP...S,SAZJ...-and SAZJ... are the same as radial spherical plain bearings GEBK...S。
4>  Series SIJK...C, SAJK...C,SIK...C,SAK...C


BBB>   Center height deviation


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